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All posts by Jeffery Reynolds

Poor Credit Car Loans: Focus on Factors other than your Credit Score

Most poor credit car buyers say yes to any car financing deal because they believe their credit score won’t let them get a decent auto loan. However, the reality is different. Your credit score is an important factor for learning more about you. But it is definitely not the only one. Learn how you can convince a lender and get a poor credit car loan by building a strong credit application.

The Effect of an Auto Loan on your Credit Score

Have questions about an auto loan having an impact on your credit score? Understand the real impact of hard inquiries, payment history and the importance of a credit mix. Once you understand the ways your credit score is affected by your financial choices, you can obtain an auto loan and even improve your credit score in the process.

The Numbers say go for a Used Car

Car buyers believe that auto loans make buying a new car easy. But, before you walk down to the dealership lot to test-drive the latest models, learn why a used car can be the right option for you. You may have your heart set on a new car but check the numbers, for they do not lie. Do the math and make a practical, not passionate car buying decision.