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All posts by Jeffery Reynolds

Short-Term Vs Long-Term: Determine the Length of your Auto Loan in a Financially Beneficial Way

Confused between being debt-free early and stretching your budget for a new car? Choosing between a short-term loan and a long-term loan has its set of advantages and disadvantages. Do you want to finish the auto loan quickly? Should you opt for a higher number of months? Let’s understand how the length of your auto loan affects your financial situation. Make a well-thought decision that you will not regret later.

Questions that plague the Mind of No Credit Car Buyers

Do you want to get an auto loan to buy a car? Is this the first time that you are applying for credit? Or have you not applied for any kind of loan in several years? Chances are that you will not have a credit score. But does zero credit score mean the end of your dream? Can you buy a car with no credit score? Does a zero credit score disqualify you from getting a car loan? We seek answers to all these questions and more.

Can I Cosign a Car Loan for my Son?

Do you want to cosign a car loan for your son or someone else in the family? Cosigning a car loan may look like an honorable gesture to you but understand how it affects your credit score and financial well-being. Let’s understand how you can help your son, daughter, family member or a friend buy a car without risking your credit score.